Define Health

Hey there! It’s Kate from AlloKate Integrative Solutions. Thank you for joining me on this journey. I wish you intentional wellness with utmost kindness and support.

Health has always meant different things to different people. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, health revolves around the movement of qi (“energy or life force”) and harmonizing yin and yang—opposite but complementary qualities. Traditional African healers see health as more social than biological, while Indigenous American traditions involve seasonal ceremonies and plant-based healing. With so many dimensions and pathways to navigate, I want to explore what health truly means in my series, "Defining Health." This blog is just one of many, and not in any particular order, aimed at breaking down various health concepts. But first, I’m curious: How do you define health? (Leave a space for your response)

As someone deeply passionate about bioindividual and multi-dimensional health, it means a lot to me. However, we often find ourselves in a "sick-care" system rather than a healthcare system. This makes navigating health quite dizzying at times. That’s why I’m here—to share, support, and maybe make the journey a bit clearer for all of us.

Let’s get into Defining Health


Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. It encompasses the overall condition of an individual's body and mind, and their ability to lead a fulfilling life.


Wellness is a holistic concept that involves actively making choices and practicing behaviors that lead to a healthy and fulfilling life. It includes physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects, emphasizing balance and well-being in all areas of life.

Mental Health

Mental Health refers to a person's emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how individuals think, feel, and act, influencing how they handle stress, relate to others, and make decisions. Good mental health is characterized by balance, resilience, and the ability to enjoy life.


The IIN Model of Defining Health

Multidimensional Health

Health is holistic and extends into all aspects of an individual—from physical health to mental well-being, emotional balance, and spiritual needs. These facets are interconnected, influencing one another on the path to whole-person health.

Bio-Individual Health

Each person has unique needs and what supports one’s health and happiness can differ greatly. These needs evolve over time, so it's crucial to continually adjust our approach to health and lifestyle. Currently, most healthcare resources are spent on managing chronic conditions rather than promoting wellness and prevention. A growing number of health experts advocate for a new model of value-based healthcare—emphasizing lifestyle medicine, holistic and patient-centered care, and disease prevention. Integrative medicine plays a vital role in this transformation.

Prevention with Integrative Medicine

Optimal health often requires a blend of conventional and alternative modalities working together to maintain wellness and prevent illness in mind, body, and spirit.


AlloKate Integrative Solutions is not offering medical services or clinical advice. AlloKate is a digital experience for blogging and sharing information. I am not a licensed healthcare provider and do not operate independently under any false representation. I am currently employed by a private medical practice, and this blog is independent of that practice, its practices, policies, and reputation. The content of this blog reflects my personal and professional beliefs and instincts. Any clinical information shared will only be done with the permission and informed consent of the relevant practice, provider, and/or group.


The Fundamentals of Gut Health: The Gut-Brain Axis


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